Thursday, April 1, 2010

Two Trips

We just got the official word today from our agency that as of May 9, two trips to Ethiopia will be required for adoption. We are trying to stay positive. This does mean we get to meet our little one sooner--we just have to rely on God's grace to get on the plane without them after the first trip. We also will be able to bring them home on a visa that will make them a US citizen as soon as we get them home. I admit, we are concerned about the additional travel expenses. It will be exciting to see how God will provide.

Psalm 146
"Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul! I will praise the Lord while I live;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.
Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.
His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.
How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, who made the heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them;
who keeps faith forever; who executes justice for the oppressed;
who gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets the prisoners free.
The Lord opens the eyes of the blind;
the Lord raises up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous;
the Lord protects the strangers;
He supports the fatherless and the widow, but He thwarts the way of the wicked.
The Lord will reign forever, your God, O Zion, to all generations. Praise the Lord!"

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