Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Little Steps

It has been almost two weeks since my last post. I am trying to update the blog at least once a week but, alas, it is harder than you may think to take an ordinary life and make it interesting for others to peek in on. Not to say that anything I write on here is all that interesting. I do have some great things to write about when you consider that most of my posts are about my family.

We did make a little progress on the adoption over the weekend. We were able to attend two classes required for our home study. Every little step gets us that much closer! Also, our background checks came back and we were billed for our home study. This is something we had been waiting for. Now we are waiting to be assigned a social worker and for our home visits to commence. We met both of the social workers for our agency at the training and both were very down to earth and sweet ladies.

Here are some other highlights from the past week:

1. Faith got her braces on and much to our dismay she is still adorable. We were hoping that her cuteness factor would go down a bit considering all the interest she already generates from boys. At least Toby has the scary dad look down pat!

2. Toby came home safely from South Korea. He was only there a week but we really miss him when he is gone.

3. Eliza informed us that she is planning on helping the new baby with water, juice, and bath toys. This was the first time she has responded to our talk about the baby. So sweet!

4. We found ourselves doing a lot of laughing during school. It's amazing how sometimes the quietest of our children can be the silliest. I'll let you guess which one of our blessings that is =).

5. Ethan found himself the recipient of a very intense kiss from Eliza. I think it made his day and mine too. It happened after they had been apart for a few hours while the kids were taking SAT tests. When we started home schooling part of the reason was so that Eliza would have special time to bond with her siblings. It's great to see that prayer answered in the form of shameless affection!

Have a great week and remember, "This is the kind of love we are talking about--not that we once upon a time loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they've done to our relationship with God." 1 John 4:10 (taken from The Message)


  1. Funny story... way back when you were in China adopting your daughter from Yangxi... I was following your journey... well, our paths went seperate ways... well, guess what... I just got back from China... our daughter is from Yangxi also... fate I guess..

  2. That is wonderful! So glad you made it home with your precious girl. I was actually following your journey through the Yangxi yahoo group. So happy for you!
