Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Moving Right Along....

This morning Toby and I went in to the doctor's office to get our medical forms filled out. Let me tell you, adoption is not for the faint hearted. I just love that when you grow your family through adoption, the Dad has to get poked along with the Mom. We very happily donated some blood for the tests required and are on the fast track to complete our first "hill" of paperwork this week. So far, everything seems much simpler than our first adoption. Maybe that's because we're pros? Or just that Ethiopia is a simpler process than China? I do have to say that if everything goes well and according to plan, we may have just moved to the express lane.

On another note, while we were at the doctor's office, Eliza happily tagged along until we mentioned the shots she was due for. Poor girl! I hate that part of parenting--you know--the part where you have to do something that is good for them but painful. It was kind of funny to hear her yell, "NO WAY!!!" when they nurse told Toby to pull down her pants. Did I mention that "NO WAY" is her favorite phrase right now? Well, it is. Her wonderful siblings thought it was cute when she said it the first time so it is now said way too often. Let's just say Momma is working on reminding her to say "No thank you" instead. Although, the phrase was said at a birthday party last weekend and last I heard the birthday boy is now using it too. Oh well, whatever we can do to make an impact, right?

Here are some of my favorite moments from the last week:

1--Getting Emma all to myself--poor girl was sick and had to stay home from church but I loved getting to hang out with her

2--Seeing Ethan's new smile after he got his braces on

3--Showing Faith how to cable knit and purl

4--Having Eliza fall asleep on me while rocking her for bed time--you have no idea how huge that is!!

5--Seeing Toby get giddy with excitement every time we cross another "to do" off our list for the adoption

6--Finishing a very long book on international adoption even though I found out it wasn't required for the home study (I was pressured by the kids & Toby to not finish it but I wanted to set an example--can we say PRIDE.)

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