Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wrapping up the School Year

So many times I sign in to update the blog and find it hard to know what to write. There are a lot of things that I want to say but when I sit down to do it I draw a blank. We are finishing up our curriculum for the current school year which is a huge accomplishment for all of us. I am amazed most of all at how the Lord has used this time home schooling the kids to shape my character. Here I thought it would be a way to shape their character but I am finding I am benefiting from it in ways I could not have imagined. There have been moments of frustration, tears, exhaustion, laughter, joy, humility, & redemption--you name it we have probably experienced it. I am forever grateful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; my Father God, my Holy spirit. All three parts in one. Although my pride says I would much rather go on pretending I am not in need of pruning; happily ignoring my sinful nature, He loves me SO much that He does what is best for me.

There were times during this school year that I wanted to walk away and take the "easy" road--to step back into my comfort zone and send the kids off to school but I knew in my heart that God had called us to this--had called me. So I kept on and in the process have learned more about selflessness, grace, and patience than I could have ever imagine. I am not speaking of my patience with the kids--I am speaking of God's unending patience with me. Don't get the wrong impression, I am not suffering in this calling. On the contrary, I have found an unending fountain of blessing. I have found my calling for this season of my life.

I am not saying home schooling is for everyone. I will say this--many people have made the comment that they couldn't do it. I want you to know that you can. If God calls you to home school He will equip you. It will, without a doubt, remind you of how much we need Him.

In the interest of sharing more "cuteness" than anyone can stand--here are some pictures from this last month. Eliza happily had her first pedicure--given by an amazing man--her daddy. She also treated us to a fashion show and a little rock concert. You would think we have only one child with as many pictures as I've been taking of her lately. Just to reassure you they are all still here and we are still blessed beyond measure by them all. There are no words to describe it! Thank you, Lord!!!

1 comment:

  1. I admire you so much for home schooling, Amy! I think that it is very cool. :) I love the new pictures of Eliza too! ; )
