Monday, September 1, 2008

Our Many Adventures

We are starting our school tomorrow (home school) and we are all excited about the cool things we get to learn. In the last few weeks we have had loads of fun. We enjoyed taking Eliza on her first trip to the Oregon Coast. Although it was 100 degrees at home it was rather chilly there.

Eliza has gotten so good at feeding herself that it was time to get the "naked spaghetti eating" picture. (She was wearing a diaper.)

Eliza has been walking and getting better at it all the time. Here are some cute "toddle" pictures. My favorites are the ones in her "monkey" jammies.

We had a great time visiting with our friends the Fortlanders. Emily is getting so big! It's such a blessing to have such great friends and to be able to get the girls together for play time.

This last weekend we were able to take the kids out to pick peaches and apples. It was a great photo opportunity.

We were also able to visit the Champoeg State Heritage Center where the kids were able to experience some "hands on" pioneer fun.

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