Sunday, April 13, 2008

Guangzhou Zoo and Mall with Friends

Today we had a free day. We spent the day with Han Lin and his mother Xue Mei. First we went to the zoo where we saw a Panda Bear. Then, after a nap, they took us to a mall in Guangzhou. It was so busy! It was not too different from malls back home. It was just bigger and busier. There were many people and familiar brands of clothing. In China when you want to buy something you tell the clerk who writes out a ticket. Then you go pay for it. After you have a receipt you go back to the clerk and pick up your items. It was hard to say "Goodbye" to our friends. We want to see them again soon but we just don't know when that would be. We will forever be grateful that the Lord brought us together on this trip.

Eliza did so well today! She is very curious and looked around at everything. A few times Xue Mei held her but it was very brief. She wanted her Momma back which made me feel good. She is constantly making sure we are both still there. We don't put her down much but when we do she watches us very closely. It amazes me how quickly we have bonded with her. It's like she has always been ours. I think she is liking us so far. Every day she trusts us a little more. It will be interesting to see how she reacts to going home. We are praying that she will adjust well to her home and to her siblings. Hopefully the dogs won't scare her. Please be in prayer for our flight home and for the transitions that we will all be experiencing.

1 comment:

  1. Hurry home. We all miss you and are excited to see you! You will be in our prayers as you prepare, fly, and adjust to home!! -Roxanne
