Sunday, June 10, 2007
Eliza's Room
From the time we started this process we debated about when to set up the baby's room. We thought we were close to getting her picture a few months ago so we went ahead and set her room up. It turned out we were wrong about getting her picture but it has been nice to be able to spend time in her room praying for her. The girls have been known to go in and play with her toys. They say they are practicing for when she comes home.
The lady bugs and vine around the room were all painted by Toby. How special to have a room painted by Daddy! We put our family on a red thread in the windowsill because of an ancient chinese proverb.
"An invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circimstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break."
Great job on the nursery :)