We are leaving in early January to visit with our daughter and go to court. On this first trip we will have LOTS of room in our suitcases for donations to the orphanage. This is where you come in. If you have items you want to donate we would love to take them with us. Here is the latest list of suggested donations if you need some ideas. Please note that clothing, toys, etc. do not need to be brand new. Gently used is fine.
• Please note that medications should not be brought to as a donation.
Topical ointments are okay
• Baby Packs/Slings (for the nannies to carry the babies)
• Clothes and shoes for children aged 5-10.
Please note the clothing for infants is not needed at this time.
• Sippy Cups with lids
• Bottles and nipples
• Sheets for cribs & toddler beds
• Lotion(non floral)
• Hand sanitizer
• Toys for toddlers, preschoolers
• Blocks for stacking
• Stacking cups
• Wooden Puzzles
• Baby dolls
• Activity quilts (with buttons/ zippers etc)
• Plastic Feeding Spoons for toddlers
• Fly Paper
• Baby Powder
• Cloth diapers
• Plastic pants or cloth diaper covers
• Clotrimazole ointment
• Diaper Rash Cream (over the counter)
• Disposable Masks
• Flashlights with batteries
• Baby blankets
• Bottle/Nipple brushes
• Thermometers
• Mosquito nets
• Travel Packs of baby wipes (for the nannies to take
with them when they travel with the babies)
• Anti fungal creams (over the counter)
• Vitamins for infants/toddlers/older children
• Educational and Instructional Items – the staff is setting up a classroom
to teach children in at each care center. Education instructional items,
such as the Alphabet to hang on the walls, numbers, etc…would be greatly
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Court Date!!!
Just a quick update to let you know that we received our court date! We will be going to Ethiopia in January to meet our daughter and attend court. Unfortunately, Savannah won't be coming home with us this trip but we are praying that our second trip will be soon after our court trip.
Harvest Time at Our House
In the midst of our excitement about our new daughter, harvest time has once again come and gone at our house. I love this time of year! The colors displayed in the trees, the crisp air, and the pumpkin patch are some of my favorite things. It is especially sweet to know that next year we will be able to take Savannah on our traditional trip to the pumpkin patch. Eliza has already talked about teaching her little sister how to pick a pumpkin. Here are some of my favorite pictures from our harvest celebration.
Picking the perfect pumpkin
Eliza & Ethan chatting in the pumpkin patch
Eliza dressed as a Zookeeper and holding her animals, Woo-woo & Pandy
The kids all dressed up--or at least three of them are dressed up