Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's a Girl!!!!

Yesterday was one of those days your hang onto forever. Why? We got the call of a lifetime! We have been matched with a stunningly gorgeous 8 month old baby girl!

Let me start by saying that God could not have orchestrated our referral day any better. I had spent the morning at the pumpkin patch with the kids and came home to find my husband had not made it to work yet. We were expecting a call any time to pick up our dogs from the groomer so when the phone rang I didn't even budge. That's when Toby walked over and said, "It's Holt. I'm not touching it!" He is so sweet! He knew how badly I wanted to be the one to answer the phone. We had thought the call would come while he was at work and I would then wait for him to come home to open the email with her information in it. Thankfully, the Lord had a better plan and we were able to open it right away! I'm so glad because I was not sure I would have the endurance to wait for Toby.

We can't post her photo online and are choosing not to email it out either but trust me when I say this girl is BEAUTIFUL!!!! So many things about her made it clear to us right away that she is the daughter the Lord chose for us. We honestly did not expect to get a girl so we did a little scrambling to come up with a name and found one that we think fits her perfectly. We are praying that the Lord will see fit to bring little Savannah home before her first birthday. If not, we trust His timing is perfect and she will come home right on time.

Celebrating with sparkling cider