Friday, September 18, 2009

Starting the School Year off Right

We have been back at school for three weeks now and are having a great time so far. The Science experiments in Ethan's curriculum are fun for all of us, Eliza has some cool Preschool toys, Faith got glasses, and we have been on a couple of very fun field trips.

We found ourselves at Champoeg again this year for Farmstead Day. It was not disappointing at all. Emma got really involved in it all and made a nail (with the help of a blacksmith).

On another note, Eliza is potty training! She is doing very well. So well in fact that we took her to the zoo to celebrate. They have a new "big cat" exhibit there which was so cool! The cheetahs came up to the window right by the kids a few times. Eliza would laugh and say, "more, back, I happy!" It is such a blessing to see her get so into the zoo these days. So much joy in our little girl! It is bittersweet to have her growing so fast--sometimes you just want to keep them little forever.