We have had an interesting week. Just today we had 3 inches of snow fall at our house. It has been fun to play in. It's turning out to be a white Christmas--this is the first time since we have lived here that we have had this kind of weather before Christmas.
We have had a truly blessed season so far. It has been such a joy to take Eliza for her first visit to Santa and get our Christmas tree with all of our children. We have been loving every minute of it all. The pure joy and enthusiasm in a child experiencing it all for the first time is so precious.

Emma and Faith were able to sing "Silent Night" at church with their friend Shawna Ashley. I'm posting the video. Nothing like sisters to push each other around on stage during a church performance. It is pretty cute regardless of the pushing.
We hope you are all having a wonderful and blessed Christmas. I can't help but marvel at the birth of a baby born to save us all so that we can be adopted into God's family. I am in awe of such a gift.