Thursday, August 14, 2008

More Summer Fun!

Here are some snapshots of the last few weeks. We were able to visit the Chinese Garden for the first time with Eliza! Faith had a great birthday and enjoyed the fun of a little sister getting into her presents (up until now that had been her role). Eliza is growing and is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!! She is still struggling with naps but we are all much more rested. Thank you for your prayers. She is also starting to walk. She has gone up to 5 steps unassisted so far. Another "big deal" to us is that she is now picking up food and feeding herself. It helps when we all clap for her when she succeeds. She is a lot of fun for all of us!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy 8th Birthday Faith!!!!

Eight years ago today we welcomed Faith Lauren into our family. It's hard to believe it has been that long. She has grown to be a loving, beautiful girl who loves her family and her Lord. She has recently become a big sister to Eliza--a challenge she has welcomed and enjoyed. Just the other day she said to me, "Mom, I think Eliza is the best present I ever got." We are so blessed to have this sweet girl!