Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Eliza!

This weekend has been full of celebrations. First of all we celebrated Eliza's 1st birthday. We are so blessed to have our sweet girl home for her birthday. She is doing new things every day. We are now crawling like a little inch worm and clapping a lot. She had cake on Friday (her actual birthday) and Sunday (her party day). It was great to have our friends the Fortlanders celebrate with us. Emily and Eliza are growing so fast.

We also dedicated Eliza to the Lord today or I should say dedicated ourselves to teaching her about our Lord Jesus Christ. We also had the added blessing of celebrating Father's Day with our parents and Great Grandpa Zimmerman. It has been a great weekend.


Friday, June 6, 2008

A Week of Fun and New Experiences

This week has been a full one. Eliza is doing great! She is full of joy and loves to entertain us. She had so much fun in the recycling playing with empty containers. She will be easy to please on her upcoming birthday. She also started beating two stacking cups together and is very pleased with herself. Her enthusiasm is contagious.

On Friday of this week Faith had a swimming party at school so Eliza and I tagged along. At first she was crying in the water and then she slowly warmed up to it. We will take it slow and go in longer next time. All and all I think she had fun.

We are abundantly blessed! We are approaching summer and all of our children are amazing us! Ethan is growing fast and is so bright! Emma is constantly reading--her love of books is wonderful! Faith is full of life and love--she is always ready to snuggle! Eliza's personality is showing more all the time. She has this cute, mischievous look that she gets when she is being silly. You can see a glimpse of it in the stacking cup picture. We are without a doubt blessed beyond measure!