Thursday, January 31, 2008

Still Waiting

The internet is buzzing like crazy that they made it to 12/27. We have not heard anything from our angency yet. I am praying we will know more tomorrow. If not tomorrow then maybe early next week. What an amazing adventure this has been so far. I am speechless. To see her face seems so unbelievable. We could have her in our arms in two months--WOW!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

No News Yet :]

We are anxiously waiting to hear how far they have gotten. There a rumors out there but no confirmation of anything. A few of the rumors have us in this time but I'm not counting on them being true. We have gotten very good at waiting--I don't know what I will do when we get "the call". Pray for us as we wait. Pray that we will handle being in or out with grace. Those of you who live nearby may want to have a defibrillator ready in case it actually happens--LOL.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

CCAA Took Away the Update Box

The adventure contuniues. This morning we found out that the CCAA has taken away the update box on their website. This means that we can no longer check it for updates on how far they have gotten. We will have to rely on our agency. Our agency does provide updates but sometimes it is a week or more after referrals have come out. As if our patience has not been grown enough! Please keep us and Eliza in your prayers.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Does she have a Nanny?

We have heard many stories about children having a "nanny" that they are very attached to in China. I sit here and wonder if our daughter has one? I am praying she does-and if so it is an answer to prayer. I want her to feel loved. I know it will be hard for both of them to part when she comes home. I am not wishing this because I want her to experience the pain of losing someone she loves; but to know she was loved by someone (anyone) when we could not be there to hold her ourselves, what a treasure that would be.

Friday, January 4, 2008

USCIS Fingerprinting Times Three

We are off the USCIS (US department of citizenship and immigration services) for our third round of fingerprinting. I never would have thought it would take this long. Because of the long wait we will have to have our fingerprints renewed for a third time. Thankfully we do not have to pay this time.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January Referral Update

The CCAA has changed their site to show that they have referred up to 12/19/05. One day less than we were expecting. You wouldn't think it would make that much difference but that one day means they are going even slower. It would be unlikely we will get a referral in February like we thought. Not to say that God can't make it happen. As far as when our turn will come--your guess is as good as mine.